Gin O'clock by The Queen (of Twitter)
Published 2011
279 Pages
ISBN: 9781444738957
Queen Elizabeth is quite possibly one of the most enigmatic public figures of our times. During the course of her reign she has never given an interview. To gain an insight into what makes the Queen tick we are reliant on royal commentators, authors, indiscreet friends, relatives and former employees to fill in the blanks.
Until now.
In a spin-off of her twitter account, the Queen has published extracts from her recent diaries to reveal a humorous side so rarely portrayed on currency. With liberal doses of gin, the Queen reveals her true thoughts about her ministers, world events, phone hacking, the Middleton's, Eurovision songs and State Karaoke. Family members are included in all of their quirky and sequined glory. As a special treat, we are privy to select emails, her Christmas shopping lists as well as a preliminary draft of her annual Christmas message.
Insightful and good fun. Heavy on current events and politicians, hopefully the Queen will consider updating future editions for those unfamiliar with the names Nick Clegg, David Cameron and President Obama.
© Marilyn Braun 2012
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